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Our concept

what we do

In the service of sustainable development:

  • Enox Pharma work in accordance with Agenda 2030 for a better future – already today.
  • We strive to have sustainable relations with all our stakeholders.
  • The historical perspective shows daily that the way we have lived our lives over the last 100 years have affected the climate and our health negatively. All proven by researchers.
  • The perspective for the next 8 years: Sustainable entrepreneurs all over the world must together with other actors in the society work for transformation to sustainable lives and lifelong well-being (Agenda 2030).

Our company focus on impact

A strategic innovative Swedish company creating new efficient structures in life science industry:

We focus on impact related to the UN global goals for sustainable development with focus on good health and well-being (related to goal No. 3) and sustainable industry, innovations and infrastructure (goal No. 9).

Our concepts incorporating AI-based solutions to detect and treat:

Different types of cancer related to women

Prostate cancer

Diagnostics of newborns

Heart disease diagnosis and care

Diabetes diagnosis and care

From Art to Science

We have a team of experienced and qualified people based in the Nordic region, UK, Germany, Benelux, all MENA regions, and Indian.

We all have vast experience and have aligned ourselves with local partners with deep knowledge of regulatory, and marketing strategies processes in each country, which directly impacts the speed and efficiency of all our essential business.